Many baby boomers are electing to go under the knife in their quest to look younger and improve their appearance. While it’s true that cosmetic surgery can do wonders for your looks, cosmetic surgery is costly, painful, and does not come without risks. Fortunately there are a number of ways to naturally enhance and transform your appearance without cosmetic surgery, and without spending a fortune?
These natural anti-aging tips will brighten your eyes, lift those sagging jowls and droopy eyelids, eliminate wrinkles, reduce stress, enhance your self-esteem, and have you looking younger, fresher, and feeling absolutely fabulous in no time!
Improve Your Natural Beauty and Boost Your Self-Confidence Without Cosmetic Surgery, With These Anti-Aging, Health, & Beauty Tips:
Facial Exercise: The Natural Facelift
Do you look older than you feel? Wrinkles, loose skin on the neck (turkey neck), and sagging jowls are some of the most hated effects of aging. They can give the appearance of being old and tired, and can greatly impact the way we feel about ourselves. Fortunately, there is a solution. Facial exercise is a natural cost-effective way to achieve a non-surgical face lift, without the pain of surgery, and without breaking the bank.
Face Lift Through Exercise – Facial exercise benefits the entire face, as well as the neck. It reduces fine lines and wrinkles, lifts sagging jowls, minimizes puffy eyes and dark circles, reduces a double chin, lifts droopy eyelids, eliminates crow’s feet, increases collagen and elastin production, stimulates blood circulation, oxygenates the skin cells, and hydrates the skin.
Detoxify Your Skin – Another important benefit of facial exercise is the draining of excess lymph. At night time, while we’re sleeping, toxins can form and waste builds up. Facial exercise can help facilitate lymph drainage while helping improve blood circulation, which has a detoxifying effect on facial skin. This improves the appearance of the complexion by clearing impurities and dead skin cells while reducing excess fluids and overall puffiness, particularly around the most obvious area, the eyes.
Causes of Puffy Eyes – Puffy eyes can be caused by a number of factors including fluid retention, excess salt in your diet, allergies, stress, hormonal fluctuations, too little sleep, excessive alcohol intake, and not drinking enough water. NOTE: For more information on alleviating puffy eyes and dark circles—please refer to tip # 30.
Bottom Line: By following a good skin care regimen and performing a facial exercise regimen just a few days a week, you’ll be amazed just how much younger and more refreshed you’ll look.
Hydrotherapy: For Healthy, Youthful, Vibrant Eyes
Look in the mirror at your eyes. Are they bright and clear, or do they look old and tired? If you suffer from eye fatigue, tired eyes, or computer vision syndrome (CVS), hydrotherapy (aka water therapy) is a natural and very soothing method of healing eye discomfort, while helping to restore eye health.
Hydrotherapy will rejuvenate and nourish your eyes, making the white’s whiter, and your eyes brighter, clearer and totally refreshed.
Alternate Back and Forth – Hydrotherapy treatments are performed by holding hot and cold water compresses against the eyes for 30-60 seconds each, repeating 3-4 times. The hot application expands the blood vessels in the eyes, while the cold restricts the blood vessels. Start with the hot compress and end with the cold. After your hydrotherapy session, your eyes will look and feel like new! NOTE: Make sure the compress is not too hot, as to burn your skin!
For Dark Circles and Puffy Under Eye Bags – Green, black, or chamomile tea is a natural solution for helping minimize dark circles and puffy eyes. These teas contain tannins, a natural astringent that constricts blood vessels, reduces inflammation, and swelling. Prepare two bags of tea by steeping them in boiling water, wringing them out, and chilling them in the refrigerator or freezer. Place the chilled tea bag over your (closed) eyes for 10-15 minutes, turning them over half way through.
For Good Eye Health – Proper nutrition is vital for keeping your eyes healthy, youthful, and functioning at optimal level. Two important nutrients (carotenoids) that may help lower the risk of vision impairments and age- related chronic eye conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration are leutine (LOO teen) and zeaxanthin (zee ah ZAN thin).
Nutrition For the Eyes – For healthy eyes, eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E and minerals, zinc and selenium. Consume plenty of deep colored fruit and vegetables which are a good source of beta-carotene and contain an abundance of carotenoids. Green and yellow vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, bell peppers, turnip greens, kale, carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin—and fruits like oranges, grapefruit, lemons, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, apricots, and mangoes.
Other Good Forms of Ocular Nutrition Include… Spices like garlic, basil, oregano, paprika, turmeric, and parsley and herbs such as bilberry, passionflower, ginkgo biloba, and golden seal.
DIY Scalp Massage: Relax & Stimulate
A good head and scalp massage not only feels awesome, but has many health and healing benefits for your entire body. When the scalp is massaged, the rest of the body relaxes, too. Massaging the scalp stimulates the nerves and blood vessels, sending tingling sensations from the scalp to the toes. It relieves tension, provides deep relaxation, lubricates and conditions the scalp, strengthens and nourishes the hair root to stimulate hair growth, and helps prevent hair loss.
A soothing head and scalp massage provides instant relief from stress, depression, headaches, and pain. And, don’t think you have to go to a salon or spa to get a scalp massage—you can perform one on yourself using warmed aromatherapy essential oils like peppermint, rosemary, lavender, or virgin coconut. NOTE: For more information on essential and carrier oils—please refer to tip # 47.
Melt Away Stress Using Your Own Finger Tips – Using a few drops of essential oils on your finger tips, start by running your fingers through your hair, using slight pressure, from the front to the back of the head. Then perform with circular motions—repeating the process starting at the base of the skull, moving up to the top of the head. Next, start from the sides. Massage from the temples and ears all the way up to the top of the head, then to the front of the head, and then back to the base of the skull. Repeat with gentle circular motions. Finish up with gentle hair tugging. Simply slip your fingers through your hair and gently tug at the roots, holding for a few seconds and then letting go.
NOTE: Depending on your preference, a scalp massage can be performed on wet or dry hair and can be performed with or without the use of essential oils.
Minimize Hair Loss – Maximize Regrowth – Daily scalp massage is not only beneficial for stress and relaxation, but helps stimulate new hair growth, while stopping thinning hair, and reversing hair loss. NOTE: For more information on thinning hair and hair loss—please refer to tip # 33.
Skin Needling: Anti-Aging Skin Rejuvenation Treatment
Skin needling, also known as micro-needling, is the newest, easiest, and one of the most effective anti-aging skin care rejuvenation treatments available today! Performed in clinics or as an at-home treatment, skin needling delivers equivalent results to laser resurfacing, chemical peels, and dermabrasion treatments, but at a fraction of the cost! This noninvasive treatment is a form of Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), improving the skin’s health and beauty by stimulating and replenishing collagen production in record time and without damage to the skin.
Skin Needling Can be Performed on the Face, Neck, Body and Scalp and Has Been Shown to:
*Reduce and Smooth Fine Lines & Wrinkles
*Repair Sun Damaged Skin & Skin Discolorations
*Thicken and Repair Thin Crepey Skin
*Increase the Effectiveness of Skin Care Products
*Visibly Reduce Acne and Surgical Scarring
*Tighten and Lift Sagging Skin
*Helps Lift and Elevate the Eye Brows
*Reduce Pore Size
*Improve Skin Texture
*Improve the Appearance of Stretch Marks
*Improve the Appearance of Cellulite
*Reduce and Restore Hair Loss & Hair Thinning
How Does Skin Needling Work? Skin needling is implemented through the use of a skin roller. The skin roller is a hand-held device containing very tiny, fine needles. As the device is rolled over the skin, this causes microscopic puncture wounds that penetrate the outer layer of skin into the dermis. This causes very minute injury to the skin and immediately signals the body’s own healing mechanisms to stimulate new collagen and elastin production. The results imitate those obtained with a laser, but without causing trauma to the epidermis. The healing period is very rapid, and the holes usually close within one hour, but the production of collagen continues up to 12 months after the procedure.
Is Skin Needling Painful? – If you’re using a home-use skin roller it may be slightly uncomfortable at first, especially around sensitive areas like the nose, forehead, and upper lip, but your skin does quickly adapt. While tolerance levels do vary, by combining gentle pressure with the correct needle length, most people report feeling only tingling sensations and find it very tolerable.
NOTE: Medical skin needling for more severe conditions such as surgical scarring, deep pitted acne scars, chicken pox scars, and sun damage, require a more aggressive approach, and a topical numbing cream is generally applied.
Stop Thinning Hair and Hair Loss
Not all women have long, thick, beautiful hair. As we age, thinning hair and hair loss are a very common complaint among older women. If you’re shedding from 50 to 100 hairs a day, that is considered normal, but if
you’re seeing thinning on top of your head, bald spots, or experiencing thinning in your part line, you are not alone. It’s estimated that approximately 30 million women in America have thinning hair—that’s roughly 1 in 4 women that suffer from female hair loss.
Common Causes for Women’s Hair Loss Include:
Menopause – Whether you’re menopausal or postmenopausal, losing hair is common due to hormonal changes and imbalances in the body, especially testosterone imbalances which not only can lead to hair thinning and loss, but may also shrink hair follicles.
DHT – Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a hormonal by-product of testosterone, and is considered to be the main culprit for hair loss in both men and women. DHT is also responsible for shrinking and weakening the hair follicles, which result in the hair follicles growing smaller and deteriorating. NOTE: There are many DHT blockers for hair loss currently on the market which have shown promising results.
Stress – Emotional stress causes the adrenal glands to become overworked and can lead to hormonal imbalances, which can wreak havoc on the body and can cause hair loss.
Highly Acidic Diet – Food high in acid production, like sugar, caffeine, animal proteins, and processed foods, throw off the body’s pH balance, and can slow hair growth and result in hair loss.
Medications – Certain medications used to treat depression, arthritis, high blood pressure, and heart problems, as well as birth control pills, and diet pills containing amphetamines can result in hair loss for some women.
Genetics – Known as female pattern baldness or alopecia—family history is a factor in hair loss. This type of hair loss can be devastating for women, as it tends to worsen as you age.
NOTE: Other causes of hair loss include: extreme dieting, lack of nutrition, certain medications, childbirth, and certain illnesses such as lupus, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and thyroid disease.
Hair Thinning and Hair Loss Remedies:
Volumizing Shampoo – Use a volumizing hair designed for thinning hair. Look for products that contain wheat protein to thicken hair.
DO NOT Use Maximum Hold Hairsprays – They tend to fracture the hair shaft as you brush it out. Opt for a flexible hold instead.
DO NOT Use Maximum Hold Hairsprays – They tend to fracture the hair shaft as you brush it out. Opt for a flexible hold instead.
Avoid Putting Too Much Tension on the Hair – Too-tight pony tails and teasing all cause hair breakage. Over styling and excessive brushing can also damage the hair shaft and cause hair to fall out.
Diet – Your diet can play a major role in hair loss. Fad diets, crash diets, ating disorders, and certain illnesses can cause poor nutrition. Eating a wholesome, balanced diet with adequate protein, and rich in silica, calcium, zinc, folic acid, amino acids, keratin, vitamins A, B, and C, and iron, will help combat thinning hair and hair loss.
Scalp Massage – A scalp massage with aromatherapy essential oils is very effective for treating hair loss and hair thinning as it stimulates the scalp and hair follicles, while promoting hair growth and a clean, healthy scalp.
Once a Week… Massage the entire scalp for five minutes using firm pressure. Use 2-3 drops of basil, clary sage, lavender, or rosemary essential oils combined with 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil such as jojoba, grapeseed, or hemp. These natural essential oils are all very effective for treating hair loss and thinning hair, as they simulate hair growth and thicken hair. Carrier oils are just as important as the essential oils, as carrier oils provide important essential fatty acids to the scalp and follicles. NOTE: For more information on scalp massage—please refer to tip # 31.
Skin Needling – When combined with a topical hair growth product, skin needling has shown excellent results for helping both men and women in stimulating hair growth and restoration. Skin needling can help with thinning hair, receding hairlines, bald spots, and alopecia. NOTE: For more information on skin needling—please refer to tip #32.
Laser Treatments – For those who prefer to opt for the latest in new technology, the Revage 670 Hair Restoration Laser boasts an 85% success rate. Revage is a cool laser that stops the progression of hair loss and promotes new hair growth in as little as 4-16 weeks. The laser treatments are performed 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes and are completely painless. The cost runs between $3,000 – $5,000 for 1 year of treatments, and then maintenance treatments are performed anywhere from once a month up to once every three months.
NOTE: Many times female hair loss is temporary and may last only a few months. If you’re experiencing unusually excessive hair loss, contact your doctor to discuss your symptoms and the appropriate treatment needed to restore hair growth.
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